"Understanding" — Kodak gay son ad by Terry Rayment, 2016 Reader Award

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Published on Nov 13, 2020
KODAK ends 2016 with a ambitious motion ad called "Understanding" aimed at the millennial and older Internet market. The Washington Reader gives its 2016 award for "Best Motion Ad of the Year" to Kodak.

Eastman Kodak is the world's most famous film, processing and printer company that only recently emerged from bankruptcy. Now that the company is back in the clear Kodak apparently isn't wasting any time reestablishing its market presence with "Understanding" that was released on Dec. 19. Without question Kodak is back in the brand marketing game.

The two minute motion ad also carries the prominent tag line "A 35mm Film by Terry Rayment" that's a notable nod to the director — and the product being advertised.

"Understanding" is uniquely ambitious and brave. It's actually a somewhat serious short film more than an ad lasting just over two riveting minutes. It's about a gay teenage boy who's outed to his father by his little sister.

Yes, you read that correctly. Having caused you pause the inherently perplexing question is asked: What does that storyline have to do with selling movie film?

Actually the answer is "everything."

Coming from left field during the last days of 2016 the Kodak online advertisement could have escaped notice when it was released. However, as with most remarkable things these days, the "film" went viral on the Web within days.

We believe the word "film" aptly applies to "Understanding" because the ad actually encompasses all the elements of a true short film. It has a storyline, script, distinct scenes, an arc, score and unforgettable acting. What's more, one has no idea how it's going to ultimately end — until the power punch climax.

It's also clear the collaborative vision between director Rayment and cinematographer Kate Arizmendi was in tight accord. They've taken the loser standards and practices of the traditional hit and run ad storyline, often humorous, to a new and dramatic level and in so doing have basically invented in essence a new marketing genre. A format that demands a narrative that immediately draws attention, captivates, mesmerizes and ultimately forges a stark emotion that's likely hard to forget — like a "real" movie. That's no small task.

One nearly unnoticed production element for most of the ad is the camera angle that stays at the wheelchair-bound father's eye level and vantage point. Even in some scenes where he doesn't appear.

Though "Understanding" has all the hallmarks of a movie it is a commercial for a product after all. Kodak's promoting its new 35mm motion picture film — the key subtext that glues every distinctive scene together.

"Understanding" demonstrates how consistent, versatile and durable Kodak's new celluloid movie film is in various lighting conditions and lens configurations — and how its soft era invoking feel of muted low saturated color holds up when transferred to video and viewed on little smartphone screens, the movie film's core strength.

For professional movie makers the new 35mm movie film takes out a tedious and time consuming post production workflow step of digital color correction for films requiring that flashback mood and texture.

Because Kodak's "Understanding" successfully achieves so many diverse things at one time it's a superlative most deserving of The Washington Reader award for Best Motion Ad of the Year for 2016.

— William Castronuovo, editor
25 December 2016
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Best Motion Ad of the Year

Title: “Understanding” (A 35mm Film)
Brand: Kodak
Product: Kodak Motion Picture Film
Target: Internet
Geo: United States
Year: 2016
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather London
Director: Terry Rayment
Cinematographer: Kate Arizmendi

Jaz Goodreau (NOLAN)
Adam Harper (FATHER)
Taylor Turner (DYLAN)
Andrea Marino (MOTHER)
Reiley Trombetta (CLAIRE)
Coach, grandparents and 2nd sister uncredited

Copyright © 2016 Eastman Kodak Company
Copyright © 2016 The Washington Reader
• The Washington Reader mascot plays in the snow. https://youtu.be/QumMIC-mbFM


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