Published on Sep 22, 2019
Watch Neal Hunt and the Soar No More Crew as they catch a wild badger with gloved hands, a sheet, and a dog kennel. Most amazing badger films caught on tape!
The badger was digging holes in a farmers field, which is dangerous to the farmer, and his equipment. The badger was relocated to avoid potential harm to the farmer, and the animal.

To see Neal take on rattlesnakes, click here:


-Is that Matt Damon?
No. That is Neal Hunt

-Why can’t you leave it alone!?
The badger was digging holes in a farmers field, which is dangerous to the farmer, and his equipment. The badger was relocated to avoid potential harm to the farmer, and the animal.

-What did you do with the badger?
The badger was released on BLM land a couple of miles from where it was captured. The land was flush with ground-squirrels, and rabbits, and contained very little badger sign that would indicate a competition for the territory.

-How dare you!?
The farmer had a badger problem, that would eventually lead to injury to livestock, damaged farm equipment, and the death of the badger. The farmer gets rid of a nuisance, and the badger got a new, safer home.

-That’s illegal! Aren’t badgers endangered/protected?
Exactly zero laws were broken in the removal, and relocation of this animal. American Badgers are not a protected species. In Idaho, they are classified as a predator species, and can be hunted, trapped, and killed year round, without limit, and have no meat or fur use requirements. However, in this case, the badger was not killed, or harmed. It was removed.

What about the badger’s babies?
The badger was a juvenile male who was attempting to establish his own territory, and thus was without pups. However, even if he had been a breeding female, there would have been no babies: this video was taken in November. Badgers have a delayed gestation, and do not give birth until early spring. By late fall, the young ones would no longer be dependent on their mother.

-What music is that?
The music is called "Chase Pulse" by Kevin MacLeod.

-How would you like it if someone relocated you?
If I was causing damage to someone’s property that is used to create food for you, your family, and everyone else, and was in danger of being shot by a farmer, or run over by a tractor, I would be very appreciative of being removed from the situation. Unfortunately, seeing as how badgers are badgers, there was not a way to reason with the little guy, and explain what was going on, and why it needed to happen. That's why animals can't get arrested for trespassing. And that's why he needed to be removed against his will; he couldn't understand the full scope of the situation.

-Why are there so many dislikes and negative comments?
People either don’t read video descriptions, or don’t understand how things actually function on planet earth, and all of those people like to congregate on YouTube together.

-Is that a honey badger?
No, it is an American badger.

-Do honey badgers give a shit?
Absolutely not.

-Why didn’t you use tranquilizers?
We are not vets, and do not know the correct dosage, nor have access to the appropriate tranquilizers for a badger. Without such knowledge, we would potentially cause the badger more harm than capturing him with a sheet.

-Why were you wearing camo?
To hide from your mom. She wouldn’t stop calling us.

Yes. Can you believe it? Someone mispronounced something in a non-scripted single-take of a video. He might be the only person to ever do that, so that makes him a pioneer.

-What don’t we need?
No stinkin’ badgers.


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